Sunday, November 23, 2008

Fight Gone Bad results

Well done everyone who was involved in CrossFit NZ's first annual Fight Gone Bad charity workout. A great turnout, great effort and a great cause. Congrats to our winners and a special thanks to our sponsors for providing great prizes. Check out the full score sheet below.

stan men
Jon Lewis
stan men
Geoffrey Mickleson
stan women
Kristen Dallow
Richard Jancys
stan men
Chris Browne
stan men
Peter Tainui
Steve Friis
stan men
Jamie Neal
stan men
Dave Malcolm
stan men
David Shaida
Sarah Henderson
Lynn Murphy
stan men
Alex Porter
stan men
Vann Dizon
stan women
Louise Foley
stan women
Jo Gleeson
Kathy Warren
stan men
Jason Redding
stan men
Scott Thompson
stan women
Kat Browne
stan men
Steve Holmes
stan women
Karen Staples
Alyssa Hardy
Kirstine Jancys
stan men
Llewellyn Giles
stan men
Ruth Sullman
Adam Warren-Lee
Brad Murphy
Elliot Staples
Salama Lowe
Emily Smith
stan women
Rachael Longson
Komal Kumar
Sharon Lew

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Not another charity fun run!!!

Okay, we've finally settled on a date for the Fight Gone Bad Challenge. On Saturday November 22nd between 9am-12pm we'll be running participants through this tough workout. CrossFit NZ members should have recieved their entry forms and sponsorship sheets.

For non-members please get in touch with us at and we'll flick the details your way ASAP. Entry is $10 and includes a free event t-shirt if you register quick. We encourage you to raise a bit of cash from friends and family - all proceeds are going towards cancer research - which is apt, given that it's Movember (Prostate Cancer Month), so scraggly facial hair is also welcome...........

Be sure to bring those friends and family along to cheer you along on the day. We'll have a few snacks and refreshments on hand. There will be prizes for best performers, most money raised, scariest workout face, dirtiest mo, etc etc...........

Also, if you own a business and are interested in helping out with sponsorship through cash or prizes, we'd love to hear from you.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

FGB Prelims

Well done to everyone who participated, you all worked really hard and produced awesome results! Count down to six weeks when we will have the official Fight Gone Bad workout to support and raise money for prostate cancer. Everyone is welcome to come along and give the workout a go, so if you know anyone who might be interested, get them to send us an email. Spectators are also welcome. The more the merrier! Get your friends and family to come cheer you on to a PB. We'll have the BBQ cranking with lots of meat and veggies too.

More details to come regarding exact dates and times.

Here's the results from the preliminaries.


  • Emma (standard women) 233
  • Kathryn (intermediate) 302
  • Amanda (standard women) 260
  • Rachael (intermediate) 323
  • Kathy (intermediate) 238
  • Kirstine (beginner/4kg/half hp) 407
  • Jo (standard women) 289
  • Mallory (kids) 362
  • Adam (kids) 381
  • Cam (kids) 403
  • Komal (intermediate) 240
  • Kat (intermediate) 377
  • Peter (modified men) 278
  • Karen (standard women) 281
  • Louise (standard women) 233
  • Nick (standard men) 271
  • Dave (standard men) 266

Park (exercises and weights were modified: thrusters for wall ball and burpees for rower)

  • Emma B (standard women) 302
  • Shan (beginner) 285
  • Alyssa (standard women) 338
  • Chris (standard men) 375
  • Mat (standard men) 208
  • Emma (intermediate) 260
  • Amanda (standard women) 323
  • Anthea (beginner) 285
  • Marie (standard women) 318
CrossFit Beach (exercises and weights were modified: thrusters for wall ball and burpees for rower)
  • Richard 291 (10kg DB PP, 24kg KB Deadlift HP, 8kg Thruster, 40cm box, straight arm burpee)
  • Geoff 364 (10kg DB PP, 24kg KB Deadlift HP, 8kg Thruster, 40cm box)
  • Ian 284 (10kg DB PP, 24kg KB Deadlift HP, 8kg Thruster, 40cm box)

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Fight Gone Bad

Starting next week, on Wednesday and Thursday we're having the preliminary Fight Gone Bad workout. There are beginner/intermediate/advanced categories.

The clock runs continuously for 5 minutes, spend one minute at each of these stations:
  • wallball
  • sumo deadlift high pull
  • box jump
  • pushpress
  • rower (for calories)
  • 1 minute rest
  • 3 total rounds. Score total reps.

Class A: Standard Men = 35kgPP and High Pull, 8kg Wall Ball and 50cm Box
Class B: Modified Men/Standard Women = 25kg PP and High Pull, 6 kg Wall Ball and 50cm Box
Class C: Intermediate = 20kg PP and 16kg KB High Pull, 4.5kg Wall Ball and 40cm Box (step ups are okay- but count every second rep)
Class D: Beginner/Kids = 6kg DB PP and 8kg KB High Pull, 2.5kg Wall Ball and 30cm Box (step ups are okay- but count every second rep)

In about 6 weeks we will run the finals on a Saturday. We want to use this as an excuse to raise a heap of money for charity. As it will be in November (Mo'vember) we will definitely kick some cash to the people fighting Prostate Cancer, but we welcome suggestions for another charity.
We're working on getting more goodies for most improved and fastest times. Big thanks to Cigana Cafe for the last prizes.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

New Challenge - 100 Burpees

This is something to be done outside of CrossFit training, in your own time. I know everyone hates burpees, but what better way to get over that than to do more burpees right?!

So we present to you The 100 Burpee challenge.

1 burpee on the first day, 2 burpees on the second day , 3 on the third and so on up to the 100th day and 100 burpees for a total of 5050 burpees!!

We will start on Tuesday September the 16th with 1 burpee and finish on Christmas Eve with 100 burpees - just in time to enjoy that big Christmas dinner guilt free after all the work you will have put in over the last 3 months.

The rules are as follows:
  • burpees can be completed in one go, or spread throughout the day
  • burpees in the CrossFit NZ workout of the day are not included until we hit Day 40, then it's your decision whether to include them or not.
  • Anyone capable of 20 full pushups in a row must do the full range of motion pushup burpee
  • if you miss a day, you can make it up the next day by doing both days worth of burpees
    • Warning! don't miss a day once you get much past 50 reps or you'll suffer.....
This will be the icing on the cake to your summer shape up. Most of us spend our day sitting at a desk these days, so keep your fat burning metabolism cranking with burpees scattered through your day. Rope your family, friends and colleagues in if you feel silly so that you're in it together.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

3 weeks to go...

....till the Filthy Fifty finals. Will you be ready to set a personal best? If any of the 10 exercises from the workout caused you particular problems, you should be spending a couple of minutes before or after training at CrossFit NZ to work on technique.

The better your technique, the easier it will be to maintain that technique and thus a decent work output when fatigued.

I'm guessing skipping and box jumps could use the most work.....

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Filthy 50 Prelim Challenge

The preliminary challenge has been completed with over 20 people participating at all three levels of ability. Great performances from everyone, we were really impressed with the determination, work ethic and technique demonstrated by all.

Take a look at some highlights of the two days below - and start training for the finals!!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

First Fitness Challenge- The Filthy Fifty

The CHALLENGE: 1. Get the FASTEST time. 2. Improve the MOST in 6 weeks.

Dates: Preliminary Challenge - Wednesday 30th and Thursday 31st July
Final Challenge - Wednesday 10th and Thursday 11th September

Filthy Fifty


50 Box jump, 30 cm box
50 Jumping pull-ups
50 Kettlebell swings, 12 kgs men/8 kgs women
50 Walking Lunge
50 Lying Leg Raise
50 Push press, 6kg DB's men/4 kg DB’s women
50 Good Mornings 4.5/2.5 kg medball
50 Wall ball shots, 4.5/2.5 kg medball
50 Burpees
50 Single skips


50 Box jump, 40 cm box
50 Jumping pull-ups
50 Kettlebell swings, 16kgs men/12 kgs women
50 Walking Lunge
50 Single Wipers 6/4.5 kg medball
50 Push press, 8 kg DB’s men/6 kg DB's women
50 Good Mornings 6/4.5 kg medball
50 Wall ball shots, 6/4.5 kg medball
50 Burpees
50 Single skips


50 Box jump, 50 cm box
50 pull-ups
50 Kettlebell swings, 24 kgs men/16 kgs women
50 Walking Lunge
50 Hanging Knee Raise
50 Push press, 25 kg men/20 kgs women
50 Good Mornings 8/6 kg medball
50 Wall ball shots, 8/6 kg medball
50 Burpees
50 Double skips

How to Participate

1. SET YOUR BASELINE - On Wed or Thu of the prelims set your baseline “Filthy 50” time. This will be the time from which we calculate your improvement.
2. KEEP TRAINING – You've got 6 weeks to improve your strength and conditioning to bring down your total time.
3. FINALS – Repeat the "Filthy 50" - and record a personal best!

PRIZES will be awarded for:

• Most improvement
• Fastest time