Tuesday, August 26, 2008

New Challenge - 100 Burpees

This is something to be done outside of CrossFit training, in your own time. I know everyone hates burpees, but what better way to get over that than to do more burpees right?!

So we present to you The 100 Burpee challenge.

1 burpee on the first day, 2 burpees on the second day , 3 on the third and so on up to the 100th day and 100 burpees for a total of 5050 burpees!!

We will start on Tuesday September the 16th with 1 burpee and finish on Christmas Eve with 100 burpees - just in time to enjoy that big Christmas dinner guilt free after all the work you will have put in over the last 3 months.

The rules are as follows:
  • burpees can be completed in one go, or spread throughout the day
  • burpees in the CrossFit NZ workout of the day are not included until we hit Day 40, then it's your decision whether to include them or not.
  • Anyone capable of 20 full pushups in a row must do the full range of motion pushup burpee
  • if you miss a day, you can make it up the next day by doing both days worth of burpees
    • Warning! don't miss a day once you get much past 50 reps or you'll suffer.....
This will be the icing on the cake to your summer shape up. Most of us spend our day sitting at a desk these days, so keep your fat burning metabolism cranking with burpees scattered through your day. Rope your family, friends and colleagues in if you feel silly so that you're in it together.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

3 weeks to go...

....till the Filthy Fifty finals. Will you be ready to set a personal best? If any of the 10 exercises from the workout caused you particular problems, you should be spending a couple of minutes before or after training at CrossFit NZ to work on technique.

The better your technique, the easier it will be to maintain that technique and thus a decent work output when fatigued.

I'm guessing skipping and box jumps could use the most work.....

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Filthy 50 Prelim Challenge

The preliminary challenge has been completed with over 20 people participating at all three levels of ability. Great performances from everyone, we were really impressed with the determination, work ethic and technique demonstrated by all.

Take a look at some highlights of the two days below - and start training for the finals!!