Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Fight Gone Bad

Starting next week, on Wednesday and Thursday we're having the preliminary Fight Gone Bad workout. There are beginner/intermediate/advanced categories.

The clock runs continuously for 5 minutes, spend one minute at each of these stations:
  • wallball
  • sumo deadlift high pull
  • box jump
  • pushpress
  • rower (for calories)
  • 1 minute rest
  • 3 total rounds. Score total reps.

Class A: Standard Men = 35kgPP and High Pull, 8kg Wall Ball and 50cm Box
Class B: Modified Men/Standard Women = 25kg PP and High Pull, 6 kg Wall Ball and 50cm Box
Class C: Intermediate = 20kg PP and 16kg KB High Pull, 4.5kg Wall Ball and 40cm Box (step ups are okay- but count every second rep)
Class D: Beginner/Kids = 6kg DB PP and 8kg KB High Pull, 2.5kg Wall Ball and 30cm Box (step ups are okay- but count every second rep)

In about 6 weeks we will run the finals on a Saturday. We want to use this as an excuse to raise a heap of money for charity. As it will be in November (Mo'vember) we will definitely kick some cash to the people fighting Prostate Cancer, but we welcome suggestions for another charity.
We're working on getting more goodies for most improved and fastest times. Big thanks to Cigana Cafe for the last prizes.